Search found 12 matches

by b@by_blue
04 Jun 2011, 22:19
Forum: Cosul de gunoi
Replies: 30
Views: 65457


by b@by_blue
29 May 2011, 16:57
Forum: Cosul de gunoi
Topic: Reclamatie admin "b@by_blue"
Replies: 7
Views: 15346

Re: Reclamatie admin "b@by_blue"

Haide-ti ca va explic eu...:D eram spect si ma uit la un moment dat in consola si Domnul r1k mi-a spus ca degeaba stau spect ca pot sa ii fac poze, ca el nu are nimic.Iar eu i-am raspuns :" te simti cu musca pe caciula", apoi i-am explicat ca vorbeam la telefon de asta eram spect... si i-am zis robo...
by b@by_blue
12 May 2011, 23:07
Forum: Cosul de gunoi
Topic: Pwn3d by Liberty - kRz
Replies: 10
Views: 20537

Re: Pwn3d by Liberty

by b@by_blue
10 May 2011, 22:09
Forum: Discutii generale
Topic: Spam Topic v2 !
Replies: 173
Views: 281201

Re: Spam Topic v2 !

by b@by_blue
08 May 2011, 18:49
Forum: Bun venit!
Topic: You have no access to that command (amx_hack)
Replies: 173
Views: 1337252

Re: You have no access to that command (amx_hack)

Nick: b@by_blue
Serverele pe care am admin:TITI

As dori sa-mi puneti inapoi accesul la hack. Mentionez ca am citit regulile serverului.

Mi-a schimbat parola si a trebuit sa fac iar cererea:D

Lucian :Ai acces la comanda nu uita sa dai si motivul (amx_hack motiv)
by b@by_blue
30 Apr 2011, 13:34
Forum: Bun venit!
Topic: You have no access to that command (amx_hack)
Replies: 173
Views: 1337252

Re: You have no access to that command (amx_hack)

Nick: b@by_blue
Serverele pe care am admin: TITI

As dori sa-mi puneti inapoi accesul la hack. Mentionez ca am citit regulile serverului.

T-z3P : Done!
by b@by_blue
26 Mar 2011, 20:53
Forum: Discutii generale
Topic: Jocul din cifre
Replies: 257
Views: 351241

Re: Jocul din cifre

by b@by_blue
26 Mar 2011, 20:45
Forum: Discutii generale
Topic: Fazan
Replies: 506
Views: 742347

Re: Fazan

by b@by_blue
07 Mar 2011, 12:37
Forum: Discutii generale
Topic: Spam Topic !
Replies: 492
Views: 691911

Re: Spam Topic !

by b@by_blue
07 Mar 2011, 11:45
Forum: Discutii generale
Topic: Spam Topic !
Replies: 492
Views: 691911

Re: Spam Topic !


Este un singur cuvant cu ea in DEX :eastmancolor:D